Thursday, February 1, 2018

13 kids held hostage by their own parents

I don't know how many of you have seen or heard of a recent issue that has surfaced on recent media, but parents of 13 kids held them hostage. The kids are ages 2-29 years old. If you haven't already seen this, I recommend it. I'm curious to know some of your thoughts and maybe what type of sentencing you would give the parents if you were the judge. Would the death penalty be an option? Why or why not?

I felt pissed off when I found out what they had done. My concern is for the kids and how and if especially the older kids (now adults) will and if they will be able to integrate with today's society. It's scary to know how many stupid, crazy people there are in this world. Some of their motives for doing the crimes they do are unnecessary and selfish. These kids did not deserve this torture and neglect.

1 comment:

  1. When I read this story I felt the same way! There's very corrupt stories and I will never understand why people do what they do when it comes to these situations. Very heart breaking for the kids.
